• Network directly and build relationships with the top retailers in the nation
  • NBS Members are pre-screened, pre-qualified, and financially-sound retailers 
  • Purchasing markets scheduled based on buying cycles
  • Access to a dedicated staff of expert category managers to assist help you customize the most advantageous programs
  • Ability to bring you new customers while still growing your business with existing retailers
  • Product exposure through live/virtual buying events, NBS newsletters and in-house eCommerce platforms
  • Work with a retailer committee to build your program, launch products and expand brand
  • Connect vendors and retailers in one centralized location
  • Dedicated to all outdoor, athletic and winter sport categories

“The biggest benefit we receive is input from the field. NBS Members are great at telling us where we are doing well, but also are great at telling us where we can get better and improve as a brand to work with our retailers and subsequently serve our customers to make us a better company."

Jim Dusiber - Champro

“I think the biggest benefit of working with NBS is the relationship GSM Outdoors has with NBS. Another benefit is the scope of NBS, the Members, and the diversity of the Members. NBS allows us to continue to grow as an organization along with each individual NBS Member and work with them towards that goal."

Kim French - GSM Outdoors

“I really look forward to attending NBS Markets to see the Members face-to-face and get that feedback direclty from them on our products, our customer service, our program, all the things that make up our business with the Member. It's here where we get that face-to-face feedback, the outlook for the future year, the feedback from the past year, what we need to do better, how we need to develop our products, and how we are stacking up against our competition.”

Chris James - FeraDyne Outdoors


  • NBS Markets are actual purchasing markets, not just trade shows.
  • Our Vendors have an opportunity to network directly with retailers who attend to purchase products and services based on pre-negotiated and approved programs.
  • Our Membership is comprised of knowledgeable professionals who have been in business for years and understand market trends. NBS Members are pre-screened, pre-qualified, and financially-sound large volume dealers.
  • Our Markets allow potential customers to come to you in one central location.
  • We will work with you to customize a program that will maximize your sales experience.
  • NBS Members are provided with your program offering weeks in advance of the markets and come prepared to write orders.
  • As a new NBS Vendor, you will present your products to our NBS Members in an exclusive presentation format, maximizing your market experience.

“I think the obvious benefit is the access to brick and mortar which is really the heartbeat of Sig Sauer and where we want to put our focus. I’m not just referencing the day to day business that we also obviously gain from NBS or the streamlined communication process, the decision making, it’s all funneled down to one point and that really helps us tremendously as an organization, but also with Membership feedback and through NBS, we’ve been able to take the true needs of brick & mortar to ensure that we’re always, always working on behalf of the dealer.”

John Dain - Sig Sauer

“The overall benefit of just being one big family to push and drive sales to the next level. So, there’s a lot of different channels that only focus on certain levels, this focus on all channels, all areas, all different members and levels of buying that we just don’t get in other categories.”

Nick French - Outtech

“I think the biggest benefit is the people. The people as a whole are great to work with. They’ve got a vested interest in their own business, but they’ve also got a vested interest in NBS and what they’re trying to do. As a vendor, it allows us to create relationships with each one of those individuals and begin a partnership that will create the sales that we’re all looking for.”
Greg Stawczyk - The Allen Company

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